Pregnant Belly

How to Move Placenta Up Naturally? – The Upward Journey

Have you been informed that your placenta is “low-lying”? Curious about how to naturally shift your placenta upwards? We’ve got all the information you need. Have you been informed that your placenta is “low-lying”?

If so, you might be curious about how to naturally shift the placenta upwards. The great news is, there’s no need to worry! All you need to do is continue attending your antenatal appointments.

Let’s explore what’s happening in more detail.

What is a low-lying placenta?

The placenta is an organ that develops within your womb during pregnancy. It provides all the nutrients your baby requires and collects their waste for disposal. Usually, it forms at the top or sides of your womb, ensuring it is out of the way when your baby is ready to be born.

However, in some instances, it grows at the bottom of your womb instead. If it is less than two centimetres (about three-quarters of an inch) from your cervix, it is referred to as a “low-lying placenta.”

You might also come across terms such as “anterior low-lying placenta” and “posterior low-lying placenta.” These are simply more specific ways of describing the placenta’s location. If it is attached to the front of the womb, it is “anterior.”

If it is attached to the back, it is “posterior.” If the placenta is partially covering the opening of the cervix, it is called “placenta praevia.” And if it completely covers the opening, it is known as “complete (or major) praevia.”

What are the chances the placenta will move up?

What are the chances the placenta will move up

A 2014 study examined 1,500 women diagnosed with a low-lying placenta in their second trimester. In 98% of cases, the placenta had shifted upwards on its own before the birth. So if you’ve been informed you have a low-lying at 12 weeks, try not to be concerned. The odds are, it will move by itself well before it can cause any issues.

In which week does the placenta move up?

Frequently, the placenta moves naturally as the uterus expands. Additionally,  can shift around the uterus in search of a richer blood supply. (Somewhat eerie, but also, astonishing, what an intelligent organ!)

This occasionally occurs as the attachments between the placenta and your uterus break down and reattach in different locations. Regrettably, there’s nothing you can do to influence this. The exact timing of when it happens varies from mother to mother.

However, that 2014 study found that in 84% of cases,  had moved up by week 32 of pregnancy. And although in 1.6% of cases the placenta didn’t move, all those babies were safely delivered via caesarean section.

How long does it take for the placenta to move up?

Placentas shift at varying rates, depending on their initial position.

(Extraordinary, isn’t it?!)

It typically moves quickest if it’s covering only part of the cervix and is attached to the front of your uterus (anterior partial placenta praevia). The next fastest is a low-lying that’s not covering part of the cervix. The slowest is a placenta covering part of the cervix and attached to the back of the uterus (posterior partial placenta praevia).

However, every pregnancy is unique. The crucial aspect is to attend all your antenatal appointments and ultrasounds, allowing your doctor to monitor how things are progressing.

How should I sleep if my placenta is low-lying?

Your placenta will move (or not) on its own, so there’s no need to lie in any specific position. And if you’re curious about the best sitting position for a low-lying, the answer is the same. Sit or lie in whichever way you feel most comfortable.

Factors Influencing Placenta Movement Speed

Factors Influencing Placenta Movement Speed

Several factors can influence the speed at which a low-lying placenta moves upwards in the uterus. These factors include:

  1. Initial position: The placenta’s original position within the uterus can affect how quickly it moves. An anterior partial placenta praevia, where it’s covering only part of the cervix and is attached to the front of the uterus, tends to move faster. A low-lying  that’s not covering part of the cervix moves at a moderate pace, while a posterior partial placenta praevia, where  is covering part of the cervix and attached to the back of the uterus, generally moves more slowly.
  2. Uterine growth: As the uterus expands throughout pregnancy,  often moves along with it. The rate of uterine growth can, therefore, impact the speed of movement.
  3. Blood supply:  May shift around within the uterus to find a richer blood supply, which can influence how quickly it moves.

It’s important to remember that every pregnancy is different, and the rate at which a placenta moves can vary from one individual to another.

Sleeping and Sitting Positions with Low-Lying Placenta

Sitting Positions with Low-Lying Placenta

When it comes to sleeping and sitting positions for individuals with a low-lying, there’s no need to adopt specific postures to encourage placental movement. The placenta will naturally move (or not) on its own, regardless of your body position. Therefore, the best advice is to sit or lie in whatever position makes you feel most comfortable.

During pregnancy, many people find that sleeping on their side, particularly the left side, helps improve blood flow to the placenta and provides better overall comfort. Using pillows for support between the knees or under the belly can also help ease any discomfort or pressure while sleeping.

Remember, the key is to listen to your body and find the positions that work best for you during pregnancy.


Complete or Total Placenta Previa: If is covering the cervix, the condition is called total placenta previa. In this case, a c-section will be required as the baby’s passage through the cervix is blocked. Marginal Placenta Previa: In this condition, the placenta grows at the bottom of the uterus adjacent to the cervix.

“If the placenta does not reach the cervix, you can safely try for a normal delivery.” Partial  Previa: In this situation, the placental edge may partially cover the cervix and a vaginal delivery may not be advised.

What are the precautions for Low-Lying Placenta?


Precautions for low lying placenta at 14 – 20 weeks are required only in a few cases. Women with placenta previa should

Avoid sexual intercourse

If you have had bleeding with a low placenta, you may be advised to refrain from intercourse as this may worsen the bleeding.

Stay on bed rest

Bed rest may be advised if you experience bleeding. The duration and permitted movements are best discussed with your doctor.

Consume Iron-rich Foods

Eat foods rich in iron to reduce the risk of anemia during pregnancy. Bleeding may cause you to lose the required number of blood cells and thereby lower your Haemoglobin levels.

Don’t skip consultations

A repeat scan will be required around 32 weeks to assess the position of the placenta. Most of the time the placenta will have moved away from the cervix. In case the placenta is still covering the cervix or you notice bleeding, you will be constantly monitored to evaluate your well-being and your baby’s health.


Placenta Movement faq

Can a low-lying placenta cause complications during pregnancy?

In most cases, a low-lying will move upwards as the uterus expands, causing no complications. However, if the placenta doesn’t move and continues to cover the cervix partially or completely, it can result in placenta praevia, which may cause complications such as bleeding, preterm labor, and the need for a cesarean section.

How common is it for a low-lying placenta to move up on its own?

A 2014 study found that in 98% of cases, a low-lying placenta had shifted upwards on its own before birth. This means that in the majority of cases, the placenta will naturally move away from the cervix without any intervention.

When does usually move up in pregnancy?

The exact timing of placenta movement varies from person to person. However, a 2014 study reported that in 84% of cases, the placenta had moved up by week 32 of pregnancy.

What factors influence the speed of placenta movement?

Factors that can influence the speed of movement include the initial placental position, uterine growth, and the search for a richer blood supply. These factors can cause the placenta to move at different rates, which vary between individuals.

Are there specific sleeping or sitting positions that can help move a low-lying placenta?

No specific sleeping or sitting positions will encourage to move. The placenta will naturally move (or not) on its own. It’s best to sit or lie in whichever position feels most comfortable for you during pregnancy.

What should I do if my placenta doesn’t move up by the end of my pregnancy?

If your placenta doesn’t move up by the end of your pregnancy, it’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s advice. They may recommend bed rest, close monitoring, and ultimately, a caesarean section to safely deliver your baby.

How can I monitor the position of my placenta during pregnancy?

Regular antenatal appointments and ultrasounds will allow your doctor to monitor the position of your placenta throughout your pregnancy. It’s crucial to attend all your appointments to ensure your pregnancy is progressing well and to address any potential complications.


If you’ve been informed you have a low-lying placenta, try to stay calm. In nearly all instances, your body knows how to shift the placenta upwards naturally.

In the worst-case scenario, if  persistently refuses to move, you may need to go on bed rest and have your baby delivered via caesarean section. The crucial aspect is to attend all your antenatal appointments. This will enable your doctor to monitor the situation as your pregnancy progresses.

In This text I provide insights on promoting healthy positioning of the placenta during pregnancy. This information could be particularly helpful for those concerned about a certain condition often associated with hormonal imbalances and abdominal discomfort.

Good luck, mum!

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