Fruits that start with letter N

Fruit That Starts With N – Tasty and Nutritious Delights

It is challenging to find out the fruit that starts with n. It’s not easy to collect the list of fruit with letter n because for that you need to do proper research that takes your time and energy. 

But you won’t be worry because I don’t want to waste your precious time, to find fruits beginning with n. Here you can jump to the list of fruits that start with f.

We have made a list with name starting from letter N, with detailed information and pictures of each fruit.

Quick Overview Of The List Of Fruit That Starts With N

  1. Neem Fruit
  2. Nungu Fruit
  3. Nutmeg Fruit
  4. Nonda Plum Fruit
  5. Naartjie Fruit
  6. Nageia Nagi Fruit
  7. Nance Fruit
  8. Nectacotum Fruit
  9. Nectarines Fruit
  10. Naranjilla Fruit
  11. Nere Fruit

List Of Fruit That Starts With N

1. Neem Fruit

Neem Fruit

Neem is a tree that leaves, seeds, root, flower, and also fruits used to make medicine. Medicine used for disease treatment. Neem used for haemorrhoids and intestinal worms. The common symptoms of intestinal worms are abdominal pain. Diarrhoea, nausea.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Neem is Azadirachta indica.


The exact origin of neem is unknown, but many people are saying that it’s native to India and can also found in south Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Neem Benefits for skin:

The neem is very beneficial for your skin that helps to take care of your skin.

  • If you have dry skin, It will help your dry skin and wrinkles.
  • It will stimulate collagen production. The hyaluronic acid will help to boost this production. These acid and collagen are essential for our skin.
  • Reduce the scars, which is a mark left on your skin after an injury heals.
  • Minimize warts and moles, but on a mole, the skin remains soft.

Benefits of drinking neem juice empty stomach every morning:

If you drink neem juice on a daily basis on an empty stomach every morning, It will help you to lose weight and improve your metabolism. You can also make a concoction using neem that will help you to boost your immune system furthermore. 

2. Nungu Fruit


It is known as best for beating the summer heat, palmyra palm or ice apple is considered that is exceptionally beneficial for beating summer heat easily. Nungu is a robust tree that is recognized globally for its growing characteristic. 


This tree reaches a height of 30 meters which becomes 98 foot.

Shelf life:

The shelf life of Nungu tree is more than 100 years.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Nungu is Borassus flabellifer.


The Nungu is native to Africa and can also found in Indonesia.

Benefits Of Nungu:

  • This fruit contains Vitamins A, B, and C in the form of ascorbic acid. It’s potent that fight against bacterial infections.
  • It is rich in minerals also such as Potassium, Iron, and calcium found in this fruit.
  • Nungu also used in the treatment of Nausea and vomiting, Nausea having discomfort in the stomach. The symptoms of Nausea are vomiting.
  • This fruit is also beneficial for the skin.

3. Nutmeg Fruit


This fruit has a dark-leaved and green tree and also used in medicine for various disease treatments. You can eat this fruit, but it’s less sweet. Many people are confused about Nutmeg that it’s a nut or fruit, so researcher says that it’s not a nut it’s a seed.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Nutmeg is Myristica fragrans.


Nutmeg is native to the small islands in Indonesia, That’s called the Banda Islands. Its also found in Europeans areas.

Shelf Life:

If you store the whole Nutmeg properly, then it can stay fresh for four years, but ground Nutmeg stay just for two years.

Benefits Of Nutmeg:

  •  It helps in digestion because it contains vital oils that have a carminative impact on our regularity.
  • It will also help your brain to help in concentration and also help to reduce fatigue and depression.
  • If you have a bad breath issue then Nutmeg will help you to prevent this problem.
  • Nutmeg has the right ingredients for skin care because of its anti-microbial. They kill microorganisms and stop their growth.
  • This fruit has a fair amount of calcium, irons, potassium, which are very important for several functions in our body.

4. Nonda Plum Fruit

Parinari Nonda

It is a tree that consists of tree and shrubs in 18 genera and 533 different species. They are edible fruits, and the seeds of Nonda surrounded by brown hair. When you plan to harvest them, so they are usually harvested in the wild.


Nonda is native to the Northern Australia and New Guinea.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Nonda is Parinari nonda.

Shelf Life:

They last for 100 years.


The height of the Nonda plum tree grows about 6 meters in height.


The above three fruits used in medicals, but this one is None known.

5. Naartjie Fruit

Naartjie Fruit

It is Asian CitrusCitrus free, which cultivated from for its small edible orange-like fruits. The fruit of this tree is lovely and have fewer seeds. The skin of Naartjie is loose and eagerly peels away, if you overeat Naartjie so it may cause diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn. Nowadays they are farmed in tropical and subtropical seasons all over the world.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Naartjie is called Citrus, hardy mandarin, satsuma mandarin, satsuma and tangerine.


The Naartjie is native to the from northern India to China and south through Malaysia, the East Indies and the Philippines.

Health Benefits Of Citrus:

  • Citrus fruit has adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins that your body needs to function correctly. 
  • They are also a good source of fibre. One cup of orange segments contains four grams of fibre.
  • This fruit is low in calories. If you are watching your calories every day, then Citrus is an excellent choice for you.
  • They may also reduce the risk of kidney stones. If you are drinking citrus juice or eating them, then it will make offer a natural alternative to potassium citrate supplements.
  • It will also fight against cancer. If you have already cancer, then it will overcome it otherwise if you don’t have cancer, they will protect you from cancer.

6. Nageia Nagi Fruit

Nageia nagi is the Asian barberry that has strong branching, and Sometimes it grows as a large shrub. 


Nageia nagi is native to china, japan and Taiwan.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Nageia nagi is Nagi.

Grow In Every Condition:

The tree of Nageia nagi is mighty, and they can significantly grow in every kind of weather conditions.


Carl Peter Thunberg discovers this fruit.

How to grow Nageia Nagi:

This can be propagated by cuttings or by seed. It’s known as the best plant in sandy soils. You can plant this fruit in summer and spring seasons. People usually did not eat this fruit, the leaves of this fruit boiled, and the oil has separated from the seeds. Sometimes leaves are cooked and eaten. 


They use in Houses, bridges, utensils, handiwork and furniture are constructed from the wood.

7. Nance Fruit

It is a species of flowering plant in the acerola family. They are also tropical fruit-bearing shrub or small tree. The size of this fruit is minimal, and mostly they are spotted in open pine forests. 


The shape of the nance is just like a small ball.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of the nance is the Byrsonima crassifolia.


They are native to tropical America, and its also cultivated in Central America, Guadeloupe, Barbados, Brazil, St. Martin, Cuba, Haiti, Trinidad, Curacao, Isle of Pines, Puerto Rico, Dominica, and The Dominican Republic.

Nance Fruit Benefits:

  • Nance has a high amount of vitamins C, which protects our body from infections and keep our bones healthy and strong.
  • They contains the right amount of protein which is responsible for our body growth.
  • They also contain calcium which keeps our bones healthy and prevents arthritis.
  • This fruit is also rich in thiamine which helps in releasing the message between nerves and muscles.
  • It also consists of Beta carotene, and folate in nance helps to reduce the risk of depression.

8. Nectacotum Fruit

Armenian Plum

A Nectacotum is a hybrid variety of apricot. The apricot is stone fruits and also known as Armenian plums. They are tiny in size and looks like the smaller version (son) of peach. The flavour in this fruit is delightful. The apricot is good for losing weight.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Nectacotum is nectarine x apricot x plum cross.

Uses Of Nectacotum Fruit:

  1. They are used to make jellies and jams.
  2. You can create a sweet, salty mix, Nectacotum Plumcots with potatoes.

Nectacotum Fruit Recipe:

  • Take four pounds of Nectacotum Plumcots.
  • 1/2 cup of water.
  • Two pounds of granny smith apple peeled and chopped.
  • 8 cups of granulated sugar. The granulated sugar is also known as white sugar.

9. Nectarines Fruit

nectarine fruit

It’s a fuzzless variety of peach, Nectarines flavour Almonds, hazelnuts; blackberries, blueberries, raspberries. The peaches and nectarines are the same species. The peach contains Prunus persica and nectarines has Prunus persica var.


Nectarines originated in China over 2,000 years ago.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of nectarines is Prunus persica var. nucipersica.

 Benefits of eating Nectarines:

The nutritional profile of nectarines are excellent, and it has contained the right amount of vitamins and minerals. They also consist of beta-carotene, which is a plant pigment that has vibrant colour. They also give good support to our immune system.

Nectarines For Kidneys:

The Nectarines contain potassium which improved blood pressure and kidney health. If you are eating nectarines and peach every day, on the other side different vegetables, So your body will receive all potassium that is needed.

Nectarine skin:

The nectarine skin is edible. It depends on you if you don’t like the skin of it you can peel it. Before eating the nectarines make sure to wash them.

10. Naranjilla Fruit

Naranjila Fruit

It is a tropical perennial plant, that can live for more than three growing seasons. They are also propagated by air layering, and the taste of Lulo can also be blended with various concentrates. Most people compare this fruit with kiwi and lime.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of the Naranjilla Fruit is Solanum quitoense.


The Naranjilla Fruit is native to the Peru, Ecuador and southern Colombia.

Naranjilla fruit health benefits:

    • They are rich in vitamins C and A, which boost the immune system. 
  • They also improve the vision, because of the carotenoids found in Naranjilla. 
  •  Naranjilla also reduces cholesterol because of dietary fiber and rich in vitamins, minerals.
  • Improve the strength of the bones, because of including calcium, phosphorous, and iron.
  • The last benefit is that they are used in medicine as a diuretic substance.

11. Nere Fruit

The seed of this fruit is very sweetish, and the several parts of the tree used in medical purpose. This tree can grow more than 20 meters in height. The locust bean gum is safe to eat, but it has just a few side effects. Some people are allergic to it, which may cause breathing issues.


The Nere fruit is native to Africa.

Scientific Name:

The scientific name of Nere Fruit is Parkia biglobosa.

Health benefits of locust beans:

The Nere fruit is also known as locust beans, that have many health benefits.

  • They are consuming the best to reduce fever.
  • If you eat the right amount of locust beans, it will improve your digestion.
  • The human body needs sugar to produce energy; the Africa locust beans help control the blood sugar level.
  • These locust beans have enough amount of tannin that treats diarrhea.
  • They are accommodating for gaining weight if your weight is less, then they will naturally gain weight.

Final Thoughts

That’s it that was all about the fruit that starts with N. If you think we have missed the fruit that begins with the letter n let us in the comments section below.

We will update our article and add them.

Which one is your favorite in all of them and why? Here you can see the list of foods that start with J.

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